during the past five days, i was a camp facilitator at the CSSP Challenge Camp '08. My group, C-4, wasn't the best-behaved group ever, they lacked alot of discipline and they don't take things seriously. but they were my group, and to me, they're like the best group ever, even though they may seem like nothing much. Unlike the other faci's, i didn't join my team in their discussions and activities as i didn't want to spoon-feed them and lead them to the solutions, i wanted them to get there themselves. and they did, with a little pushing from both me and my co-faciliator celestyn (her name sounds very similar to mine, alot of mix ups). There's these two guys, Ricky and Eddy (Eddy is the one with the foot on me in the photo, wearing white/light blue, and Ricky is the one wearing blue next to him). they were basically the spirit and motivation of the group, and they really showed leadership qualities, i really do think they'll achieve something big one day.
first day for facis was Day Zero, monday. students only had to come on tuesday onwards. Before the camp, each faci was given a station to be in charge of, and on day zero, everyone had to set up their stations and give the other faci's a try. My station was the Mass-Triage station, and beatrix was my co-incharge. The photo up there is of the station BlindMice, where 5 people had to guide the rest of the blindfolded leaders through a maze of chairs without kicking any cups that were on the ground.
during the wargames section(basically, it was captain's ball), alot of students got hurt. it was the most violent captain's ball you'll ever see. sprained arms, sprained ankles, chest pains, elbow-to-the-face. One girl even had what we suspected was a heart-attack, and there was an ambulance on-scene
Main event of the camp was the SMRT detrainment excercise, where we have to get off the train in a simulated terrorist attack, and walk on the rails til the evacuation point. Every two groups were given on cabin, so it was rather spacious. SMRT planted suspiscious people, even us faciliatating the camp didn't know about them, and we seriously got freaked out when suspicious person after suspicious person turned up, and Ambrose even gave his nervous/thinking super-stone look when one of them approached us. we were supposed to report them, but my team didn't, they just took alot of photos of the suspicious people.
I was one of the faci's chosen to simulate an arm injury, the campers weren't supposed to know i was fake. so i made a big plan, and purposely fell down in front of the campers i acted as though i broke my arm and it hurt really bad. i think i acted a little too well, cos after that the civil defence took over and they thought i really broken my arm, and even called the ambulance. I was like "erm. i'm fake, let the students take over", and the other fake injury facis, kog and steph, heard me say it too. they knew kog and steph was fake, but they seriously thought i really was injured. The media came and even the ministers came and looked at me. I was in seriously deep shit luh, and all ck did was come over, looked at us faked injured and supposedly real injured being seperated, and he LAUGHED. i seriously freaked out when the ambulance came and they took down my name and IC luh.
Last day of camp was yesterday. teary goodbyes and farewells, see-you-soons. I 'accidentally' cried when saying goodbye to the last of my campers to leave, i was seriously proud of them, they did everything by themselves. photo-taking with other facis, post photos up later. The guy down there is kog, and both of us are the camp's 'himbo's. the photos down there shows us discussing what pose to do for our himbotic photo, the last one's the actual.
I miss the camp already.
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