Sunday, June 8, 2008

eastcoast today.

went for the saucony run today, 10km.
failed it miserably.

i did what i did during my trainings. i ran at my normal pace. i told myself, under an hour would be good enough.

i clocked an hour and 35 mins.

what happened? at around 3km, my knee worked up. Yes, that cursed left knee of mine. No, it didn't have to hurt during all my training runs. it only hurt abit during last week's camps. but
today the pain was excruciating.

and people laughed at me as i limped past the halfway mark.

small kids overtook me. uncles and aunties overtook me. people who look old enough to be my great-grandparents overtook me. people who were at least three-times my circumference overtook me. while walking, even.

i finished the run. no more goody bags for me then. didn't win anything from the lucky draw, morale was at an all time low.

and i thought june was supposed to be better

i needed support. no one was there to support me. i needed encouragement. i see people taking photos with their friends at the starting point. i didn't. cos my friends weren't even participating in the run. steph was in the run, but she was with her family. she has a point there, she's more obliged to be with her family, can't argue with that.

it's just that i felt really lonely.

other than that, there was rather cool stuff happening. there was this samsung skating meet, should've went for that instead. there was also a sand castle building competition, here's some photos

wished you were there.

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