Saturday, March 6, 2010


today, went to SMU open house with XY, she just wanted to go see the social sciences part of SMU, so i followed lo, since yesterday's celebration also carried over today. tried to find out how a poly student can get into SMU also, and was horrified to find out that YOU NEED A-MATHS IN 'O' LEVELS TO GET INSIDE, AND A-MATHS IS THE ONE SUBJECT I DON'T HAVE! die.

after that we went to bugis, saw BS working, then she stare at XY, then at me. i was like, NO LA. then she got back to work, lol. had lunch at Fish & Co, first time i had something proper there, usually i just get chowder. apparently the platter for two is not really for two, cuz we couldn't finish, and it actually filled me up so much that i didn't need dinner.

Oh, and the one great thing that happened to us today: we finally found the thought-to-be-extinct Meiji's banana chocolate!!! wooo~

came home and re-examined my education options: i've decided to pursue psychology as a priority, and if not, i'm just gonna stay within art. if by some freak of nature chance that i can't excel in the arts area, then i'm just gonna be a teacher. yeah that's about it. trying not to get overseas if i can, can't really last without my friends.

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