Saturday, March 13, 2010

today, i went to the first CEP training at hortpark with steph, bith of us are in charge of the same station. had like an ice breaking game, where we had to affix an adjective to our name with the same starting letter, so i chose to be called "simple sebastian", then we had to remember everyone's name in a round, and i just had to be last.

after that, went to great world to watch alice in wonderland with steph and dunno how many other YOG people, didn't see weihao, but saw other people around, like alan. first time i saw the prada dude not wearing business shirt. the movie was okay, except for the irritating sheen that you see on everything when you put on 3D glasses, the story was alright, johnny depp was good, as usual, but personally i feel that this is oen of the lousier tim burton films.

on the way back received fucked up messages from haslin, telling me to say goodbye to my stuff. i asked her what the fuck did i do, and she didn't reply. funfair liddat. walked home, got on facebook only to realise that she threw my stuff away. whatever you can do i can do better.

best part is, there's this kid 3 years younger than me trying to challenge me. he made some stupid comment on haslin's FB page then deleted it, but i saw it first, so i told him to keep his butt out. here are the messages:

Sebastian TheFool 13 March at 01:17
eh, i suggest you keep your comments to yourself. know what happened, then comment, fucktard.

Matin Sjaichudin 13 March at 01:21 Report
y???got rule on fb tat say tat i can't comment on other ppl meh???if have then u tell me

Sebastian TheFool 13 March at 01:22
no, but you're just showing how fucking retarded you are.

Matin Sjaichudin13 March at 01:24 Report
no i dun think so...i think you're the one. cos u think u've got such nice vocab think u very big and scary.. hahaha u have to grow up u noe??

Sebastian TheFool 13 March at 01:25
yea, says the kid younger than me. spell properly, pig.

Matin Sjaichudin 13 March at 01:26 Report
younger but smarter lol.....

Sebastian TheFool 13 March at 01:27
yea, like totally smarter. wayyyy smarter in fact. why don't we meet up to see who's smarter?

and it ends there. i think he blocked me or sth cuz i don't see his profile pic and name in the msgs anymore. god i hate gutless people. want to pick a fight, then make sure you carry it out.

whatever, i couldn't really be bothered. i'm living my life, and i sure as hell not gonna let you affect it.

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