Wednesday, March 3, 2010

thank you lord, for restoring thy interneth.

for the past few days, singtel had problems with the internet, thats why i didn't blog. it was in the papers, i'm not bluffing. serious. life seriously sucks without the internet.

i'm veryveryvery sad now. cuz i just went through my email and it says that my application for youth planning committee of NDP is rejected; i wasn't shortlisted. is it because i'm from poly? )))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

before that i was veryveryvery happy. cuz just now went out with Y, went to the YOG headquarters to volunteer. Y and i packed like more than a couple of hundreds of goodie bags, and i was like in a trance, until i reached for the car decals to be included, and realised there wasn't any left.

after that went to vivo cuz i needed to go to the "honeymoon desserts" shop to check it out cuz the boss, J, really wants me to work there. so Y and i went to vivo, ate subway first, then went over. we walked right pass the shop, then i called J, only to be told to walk back. nthe place is not bad la, but i don't really wanna work there cuz long hours, and the place quite cramped for someone with long everything like me. i think i'm gonna apply for night safari.

before Y and i reached the shop, we walked pass this marriage photography exhibition in the middle of vivo, then two people stopped us, thinking Y and I gonna get married. so after going to the shop, Y and i decided to try walking around again, so including the 2 from before, we got a total of 8 approaches from the wedding people! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA(:

if only it was true huh, LOL.

image credit to darunia art, deviantart.

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