Monday, June 29, 2009

bright city lights. by s'bas-chen.

walking around the place at night
i tend to notice the city lights
wondering why they shine so bright
always shining with all their might
disregarding their basic rights
going down without a fight
pushing their needs all aside
for us to look at bright city lights.

To Sebastian:

Hi Sebastian,

We understand your concern. We have a very detailed contact tracing on all the affected students and those whom they have come in contact with are on LOA. The situation is constantly evolving and we ensure the safefy of everyone - staff and students especially. The common and affected areas are all cleaned up immediately. Let me assure you we are doing everything to control the situation. We understand that this email may not be satisfactory to you. If you would like someone to talk to, you can call me at 3100 1779.

Thank you so much.


Benjamin Chow, Office of Corporate Communications

Late Birthday Blogging

Alright, I know that this post is a week late, but better late than never. on my birthday ziqi brought me to the singapore flyer along with haslin. it was supposed to be the whole kopitiam kaki group, but end up only the three of us.
it's the first time i went onto the flyer. i also realised i was afraid of heights after getting on. but the views are nice. most likely you'll see the artistic shots as pictures to my future blog posts. here are some of the photos, with haslin being shy and ziqi not noticing the bright camera flash.


Dear managing committee of RP.

go take a look at how a H1N1 outbreak is supposed to be controlled. I can’t believe that RP already has 51 cases and yet we are doing nothing. Apparently 51 cases is like nothing to you? Stop taking your students for granted and actually do something. Are the year 1’s supposed to be weaker than the year 2’s and 3’s? Is that why when there were 3 cases, they were put on e-learning, but when there are now 51 cases, the year 2’s and 3’s are still lost as to what to do? We’re not immortals you know. Many students and parents are furious as to how you people are controlling this incident. You people keep sending us the same forwarded emails again and again, but they don’t explain anything. If the virus dies off after a few hours, then how do you explain the jump in victims on the day by day basis? Let me remind you: the virus can be easily transmitted by air, and RP uses a VERY recycled air ventilation system. I will not be satisfied with another computer generated answer, or a mass, all-students answer.


Koh Yue, Sebastian


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Republic Polytechnic's Great Scheme of Things.

I wanted to restart the blog with a nice, happy post, but i can't really take it anymore. there seriously is something very wrong with RP's management.

As of 28th June, 2009, at 9:00pm, there are already 51 confirmed cases of H1N1 virus in the school. As of 11:41pm, we still have not received any news or proper explaination from the school.

Why have they quarantined the year 1's when there was only 2-3 cases? Why aren't the year 2's and year 3's being given leave of absence to self quarantine, even when the number has shot up to 51? is the management trying to achieve something by doing this? Republic Polytechnic is currently one of the highest contributor of the virus, next to Butter Factory, and even Butter Factory handles their incident better than this place i study in that calls itself a tertiary institution of higher learning.

Apparently they think that, since we are already year 2 and 3, we are like, fucking strong, whilest year one's are like fucking weak little piglets that will fall ill the moment the wind gets a tad too strong. Or maybe there's like this hidden module, V101, Viral Imunity, that we all secretly pass as long as we don't miss class more thatn 14 weeks with a medical certificate. Maybe that's why they think we're strong.

HEY MANAGEMENT. time to wake up. you think we'd let you take huge portions out of the $1050 we pay every month as school fees, for free? you don't get paid for sitting on your butts while an epidemic is sweeping the school you know. We, as the student population of the school, deserves a proper explanation, not just some forwarded webmail that made at least 5 rounds. We need to know why. Unless the reason is because the electricity bill for keeping up the aircon and fountains 24/7 are getting too high, and you'd like to collect another year's worth of school fees.

I read on the papers, the way they put it across to reporters were almost like music. "Oh, we, like, totally ask our students to take their temperatures, like, twice a day, and they have to, like, totally declare their temparatures, something like that? we're, like, a school you know.." Yeah, nice implementation of control measures, people. since when do you actually ask us to declare twice a day? even on the week where there was temperature screening with the infra-red cameras and stuff, you people we're just pointing the infrared gun at the crowd, but chatting all the way behind the screens. i bet tons of people snuck past you with fevers.

If i ever fall sick with the H1N1 virus, i tell you this: i am going to pull the whole school down with me.