Wednesday, December 24, 2008

received this in the email. thought i should share

Statement of Love:

The Kiss

1. Kiss on the hand - I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck - I want you
4. Kiss on the lips - I love you
5. Kiss on the ears - I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else - lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes - kiss me
8. Playing with your hair - I can't live without you.
9. Hand on your waist - I love you to much to let you go 

The Three Steps

1. Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
2. Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
3. Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.

The Commandments

1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.

A peach is a peach
A plum is a plum,
A kiss isn't a kiss
Without some tongue.
So open up your mouth
close your eyes,
and give your tongue
some exercise!!!

Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:

1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3. How cute they look when they sleep
4. The ease in which they fit into our arms
5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6. How cute they are when they eat
7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside (not really true in steph's case)
9. The way they look good no matter what they wear
10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
11. How cute they are when they argue
12. The way her hand always finds yours
13. The way they smile
14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
15. The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an hour later.... (not true on steph's case also. cos we rarely fight)
16. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17. The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
18. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
19. The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)

Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ...
it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. 
When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart.
We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.

wishing you all a...

Merry Christmas !!!!

You Can Say "Merry Christmas" in 1 Language

You can say "Merry Christmas" in:


Your Elf Name Is: Sharp Ears Pointy Shoes

Son of a nutcracker!

You Are Cupid

A total romantic, you're always crushing on a new reindeer.

Why You're Naughty: You've caused so much drama, all the reindeers aren't speaking to each other.

Why You're Nice: You have a knack for playing matchmaker. You even hooked Rudolph up!

You Are a Shortbread Cookie

You are very realistic about yourself and the world.

You aren't much for dreaming or fantasizing... you're happy with your life as is.

More than most people, you appreciate the value of hard work.

And when the work day is done, you're all about simple pleasures.

You Will Get Three French Berets

Twelve punk rockers drumming
Eleven marshmallows a-puffing
Ten midgets a-leaping
Nine ladies yodeling
Eight llamas a-milking
Seven eggnogs a-intoxicating
Six puppies a-barking
Five golden necklaces
Four calling prank callers
Three French berets
Two starving Olsen twins
And a chimp in a peach tree

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I'm back from my 2 day trip to my grandparents' place. just a few interesting photos to show:

okay, took this photo cos the bakery's name was "Far Kee". geddit? i know some bakeries suck, but to call yourself fucky? sucky's bad enough already. okay, maybe not funny to you, but funny to me.
Turns out my grandparents not only have a dog; they have a dog AND a CAT. the cat's called meowmeow, and the dog isn't called snoopy anymore cos my grandparents think it's hard to pronounce, so it's called wangwang. the cat's veryvery friendly. and very proud. just this mrning it caught a grasshopper outside and brought it into the living room, then proceeded to play with the missing-a-leg-less grasshopper in front of everybody, not really to our amusement. then he proceeded to eat it. oh, yes, both of them are 'he's. the puppy's a doberman, or however you spell it. neighbour gave it to grandpa cos neighbour didn't know his dog was female, until it got pregnant and gave birth to a litter of puppies. he's afraid of my grandparents, afraid of loud noises, afraid of the cat, afraid to explore, afraid of flies, afraid of the drain outside my grandparent's house, afraid of anything but suprisingly not afraid of me. when unchained, he proceeded to follow me around and hide behind my right ankle when scared. he's damn bloody cute.

This is my uncle's bike, the one i grew up with and sat on countless of times. it's currently mising everything except the fuel meter and the distance-travelled meter, and the fuel meter doesn't work. i asked him how do i know when to top up now and he answered "just estimate, lor"

Went to a new restaurant last night to it, don't know what it's called but it has a humongous "SY" on the roof. after we finished the food, i looked at my dad's tea leaves, and it looked suprisingly like the guy from 300, leonidus or sth, riding on a pony. and mine looked like a dragon. posted the two photos up, and proceeded to draw out the shapes to the convenience of people with no imagination

Friday, December 19, 2008

yeah, i know. i said i was going back to malaysia today. but i'm still in singapore. why? COS OF MY SISTER. come on, those who have a decent D&T background, let me ask you: how long does it take to make a hydraulic wheelchair? ONE WHOLE BLOODY YEAR? and it's not as if she started from scratch; she's just modifying an existing normal wheelchair, just adding hydraulics WHICH SHE BOUGHT and a battery WHICH SHE ALSO BOUGHT to the wheelchair SHE BOUGHT through PAYING OTHER PEOPLE TO DO WORK FOR HER. i think even if you started from scratch you also wouldn't take so bloody long. but what can i do? it's all under the name of her FINAL YEAR PROJECT. diploma in RADIOTHERAPY. i don't see the link, but i can't bother her, else i'm gonna get blamed if she fails.

oh well, a few more months, she'll be out of singapore, one less to worry.

parents forced me to go out today, even tho i have blisters on the soles of my feet. i stood around for 4 hours while they were shopping. and the best part is? they didn't buy anything. what a way to spend time, i rather spend it more constructively with someone else doing something else.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Never play basketball barefooted on a day where the sun is burning. cos you'll be in as much pain as i'm in now, maybe more. i guess this is how the english people coined the term "blistering hot", cos the basketball court was hot enough to instantly give you blisters the moment you step on it.

come on, you can't blame me for being stupid. it's the month of december, where everything is wet and gloomy. how on earth would i know that the sun would decide to poke its head out of the gloomy caverns that holds its essence.

anyways, i'm going back to malaysia tomorrow, apparently my grandparents got a new dog, and it's called snoopy. definitely will bring photos back (:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

did not update my blog for a long, long time.

you see, some use their blogs as diaries. some use it as a way to gain recognition and fame. me, i use it to bitch about stuff. or i'll use it when i'm bored. or any other random moment i have. or during periods of great emotional distress. something like that.

sent out my x'mas cards late this year, so far only sent out around 15, cos i lost the other 20 over addresses. my address book got wet, ink smudged, so, if you're one of the 20+ that's reading this but did not get your cards by the end of next week, i'm really, really sorry. maybe leave your address on my tagboard over here >>>

i'm suprised that there isn't and x'mas postage jam this year, cos i sent out my x'mas cards on friday, and on sunday rukia smsed me to tell me that she received hers already, and yesterday steph recieved hers too. if others received theirs already, it means they haven't told me, or they're panicking to write me one cos they forgot to send me one this year.

went to zoukout on saturday. it wasn't much. really. i mean, it's ONLY the biggest, hottest, most happening dance party to happen every year, and everyone is ONLY eighteen once in their lives, right? but then, contrarary to popular believe, nothing much happened. no big shit. except maybe for the fact that someone i know got sent to the hospital via ambulance, but no details on that.

where was the big famous stars that were supposed to be there? didn't see any. where were the hot, semi-naked girls most guys expected? not much there. where was the sweet smell of alcohol wafting through the midnight air? smell of sweat and machine-generated fog, more like it. it was like, COME ON, WHY CAN'T WE BRING IN OUR OWN BLOODY ALCOHOL? well, fuck you, zoukout organisers, fuck. you. i jolly well can't afford to get 1/8 of a pint of beer priced at 5 bucks each.

oh, most of the DJ's were sucky. except for this angmoh guy and one of zouk's resident DJs that look like an uncle. the rest can go home.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

60 Things Most Girls Don't Know

*some of you might have read it before, i'm posting it cos i think it's quite true :)

Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!
(oh're not "popular" if you've slept with more than 6're a HOE)

"Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.

Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.

Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.

Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.

A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.

Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.

Guys get jealous easily.

Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.

Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway.

Girls are guys' weaknesses.

Guys are very open about themselves.

It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.

Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.

If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.

Guys will brag about anything.

Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful.If a guy uses that, he likes you a whole hell of a lot.

No matter how much guys talk about asses and boobs, personality is key.

Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.

Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.

Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.

Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.

Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships.

Try to be as straightforward as possible.

If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.

When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."

Guys don't really have final decisions.

If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.

If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.

When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.

When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.

Guys like femininity not feebleness.

Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.

A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.

Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much.

Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.

If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you.

Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.

No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.

Not all guys are assholes. Just because ONE is a jackass doesnt mean he represents ALL of us.

We don't like girls who are too skinny.

We love it when girls talk about there boobs.

Always make sure you know what kind of stuff your getting into before making out with a guy wheather it's a one time deal or not ....

Believe it or not shy guys are the most easiest to talk may not seem right but trust me they will start opening up like books after you just ask them questions about their lives and unoticable tell them about yours...

When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually

Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs..

Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts...

Guys will test the waters to see how far they can get with you. Even if he doesn't intend to it will happen. Know how far it is you want to let him go and he will respect that...after you let him know a couple times.

When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Day Eleven~

Remember my last blogpost being something about what happened was bloody funny and all, here it is...
Presenting.... Ryan, a.k.a STRIKER X

what happened in the video wasn't what happened that day. but the video for that day is coming up, plus more retarded stuff done by this guy, lol.

His name is ryan, or kumaran (i don't know how to spell) by his secondary school classmates, and apparently he is VERYVERYVERY dillusioned. He thinks he had sex with paris hilton before. he thinks he's cool if he smokes. he thinks wearing a hat will make him look like ryan seacrest or justin timberlake.

take today for example. kenneth, bob, margaret and i were walking towards the mrt after school, when we saw ryan. kenny had this bright idea of going up to ryan and telling him that margaret is interested in her, and he did. margaret was so paiseh, she begged me to slow down the pace, so we did, while kenny, bob and ryan went up ahead. apparently that was when kenny told ryan, cos he suddenly turned around to look at margaret, before crossing the road.

after crossing the road, instead of continuing his walk towards the mrt station, he actually waited for margaret to cross! so margaret crossed the road, and dragged me along, whispering "sebas, if you walk away from me now, i'm never gonna talk to you again in class". when we walked passed kenny, bob, and ryan-with-the-smitten-look-on-his-face, margaret kept a straight face, and kenny told ryan "look, she's ignoring you." what i heard next from him was "it's okay to ignore me. maybe she's just shy". LOL. suddenly margaret started brisk walking, so i had to keep up with her, then when we were at the mrt station, we waited for kenny and bob. after that, margaret and kenny went to the bus interchange, while me and bob boarded the mrt.

and the mrt, bob told me that ryan actually said "she's totally my category", referring to margaret. WHAT IS THAT MAN? TOTALLY HIS CATEGORY?? come on, she's way out of his league, if he ever had one. then, margaret smsed me "WTFWTFWTFWTF, HE CAME UP TO TALK TO ME!! WTFWTFWTFWTF" and my sms reply was all "HAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA". LOL

okay, back to normal blogging. i've started to play the 'pet society' application on facebok, started on friday. it's damn addictive i tell you. but, for some reason, everytime i get onto facebook, i start missing steph terribly. and she knows i'm terribly lovesick. i don't know, i think they should started inventing medicine for this. cos technically it's a sickness if it has the word 'sick' in it, right?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day 7~



oh, and transformers 2 is coming out next year. i think. and so is dragonballz. but i cant find the real trailers):

to steph's hosts: it's okay if she manages to get a german boyfriend. just take a photo of the guy and send it to me, so that i'll know who to go after (:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day Six~

Finally i can blog. Sorry baby

just went to read steph's blog, and it looks like she's having a great time in germany. i'm glad she is. I told her i'll blog everyday she's gone, but the past few days my internet was totally bitchy. and i couldn't blog in school cos apparently my shoulders are very nice to look over of. I just hope she doesn't get herself a german boyfriend and forget about me. cos i totally am missing her.

Was supposed to be practicing breaking with joseph yesterday and today, but for the past few weeks i've been practicing with edward we've only been practicing pop & locking, so when i tried to do my handstand/headstands yesterday, i had a very horrific discovery: I've lost almost all my armpower. and apparently i'm not as solid as i used to be, cos now i have bruises all over my body, and those two on my kneecaps are standing out exceptionally. maybe i should stick to popping, and never get back into power moves. couldn't practice today, cos edward is "currently unavailable"

parents still overseas, house is a WRECK. my sis and bro are totally taking advantage of the situation, sis coming home later and later at night, and brother eating all the junk he likes. and the desktop is on almost 24 hours a day, my brother has barely left the seat, except maybe for lunch and dinner. i doubt he has even bathed.

Dankeschöen, steph's hosts, for looking after her

Friday, November 21, 2008

Day One -

Steph left for germany last night, parents left for somewhere this morning, i cant remember where. I miss steph, i don't miss my parents.

didn't do anything much today, except maybe drink too much root beer on an empty stomach, felt rather nauseous then. darren lent me his sony-ericsson-convert-to-normal-earphone-thingie, so now i can use my hp as an mp3 player. started downloading all my favourite songs, had a feeling of nostalgia when i listened to some of them.
steph, listen to the song
i'm waiting for you to come back):

Friday, November 14, 2008

friday the 14th.

Oh, the horror~
thou shalt markth 'tis day on thine calendar, for 'tis is a much darker day than n'ever.

for thine friend, hath gruesomely rapeth a burger.

'tis true, there be witnesses.

For, 'tis day, be Friday the 14th~!

Friday, October 31, 2008



just now was the union camp's halloween night. i think it sorta-maybe TOTALLY SCREWED UP, but it was "fun" nevertheless. Who minds having 4 days gone down the drain like that *snap* when you most likely have something more constructive to do.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day two of the union camp.

i'm just supposed to be ram's sai gang warrior. just supposed to be a halloween scare-the-shit-out-of-people person, but become 十字路口 game master. first time i saw someone play the game like this:

Mee Soto (starting first dish)
tomato (to take up a slot)
tofu (40cent per peice)
fuji apple (a dollar each)
pearl milk tea (12 cups cos everyone was thirsty)
teh-o (1 cup only. shared between 12 people)
oreo ice cream (basically oreo mcflurry)

we were supposed to end with tom yam as our last dish. but i can't think of any dish that ends with 'tom' as its last syllable other than 'chicken bottom'.

well, tomorrow i'm gonna scare people. update later.

Monday, October 27, 2008


i bought a 2GB memorystick for my sony ericsson phone. then i realised i didn't have sony ericsson earphones. now i need to save money to get earphones. else the 2GB is pointless.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

I've been a bad boy...

For not updating my blog for so many days.
Tons of things happened, FYP team sorta in trouble before FYP even started.
I'm skipping my PP to next year; personal choice

ONE WEEK OF SCHOOL HOLIDAYS~! nothing much actually, but holidays are holidays. so i'd better make full use of it.
Finally had time to read naruto manga, finally read up til the latest; while waiting for the next chapter i'm gonna read one peice. prolly take me 4 days to finish, since naruto's 422 chapters took 3 days.

oh, guess what: i found out i'm actually quite bloody rich on habbo, i forgot all about it. lol. but habbo is used to flirt with girls/bully small kids if i'm playing it at my current age. so maybe i'll do abit of bullying during the free time i have. definitely not the flirting part; steph'll murder me if that happens.

steph told her mom about us. i'm finding ways to tell mine. like dropping hints here and there. but i don't think my mom's picking up anything. oh well, i'm dropping my dad hints on getting my handphone a memory card, at least he's responding

Thursday, October 16, 2008


the feeling kinda sucks.
i feel like a substitute.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ideal paradise
Never-never land.
Promised land.
El Dorado


Thursday, October 2, 2008

If you canstart the day without caffeine;
if you can get going without painkiller;
if you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and

if you can resist complaining and boring people with your

if you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for

if you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any

if you can forgive a friend's lack of consideration;
if you can overlook it when those you love take it out on you when,
though no fault of your own, something goes wrong;

if you can take criticism and blame without resentment;
if you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct

if you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor

if you can face the world without lies and deceit;
if you can conquer tension without medical help;
if you can relax without liquor;
if you can sleep without the aid of drugs;

If you can honestly say that deep in your heart you have no prejudice
against creed or color, religion or politics;

Then, my friend, you're almost as good as your dog.

"Almost, but not quite."


Monday, September 29, 2008





lost and found

today, i lost my handphone in RP's library. It was stolen. Then, i got it back again.

what happened was, me and darren, we were reading comics at the comics section, i took out my phone because i received an sms. then, darren said we should move into the xbox room to book seat. so we moved our belogings there, and i sat down to read my comic in the xbox room. a couple of pages later, i felt for my phone, but realised it was missing, so i ran back to my previous seat, which was less than 10 metres away. just a couple of minutes had passed (you know how fast i read), but my handphone was gone.

I immediatly borrowed my friend's phone to call my phone, but my number was unavailable. it could either mean the people who picked up my phone turned it off or removed my sim card. i was bloody furious. darren and i rushed down to the fcc to get the security to watch the tapes of the cameras, but the guy was like, "wait... fill in form first". i was saying frantically "EH, JUST LESS THAN 5 MINS AGO, CAN CHECK OR NOT??" and he went "wait.... fill in your form... see, student ID here..." so i was like, fine, i filled your bloody form, and then he took the form and nothing happened.

i went back to the xbox room depressed and furious at the same time. i was actually thinking about the different ways i could lay out my divine punishment to the assholes that take other's belongings.

fast forward to when i was going home. I called my dad and asked him to cut the line, cos handphone was stolen. he sounded bloody angry. then i was thinking of making a police report, so i went back to the fcc to check whether there was any news before i went to make my report.

suprisingly, there are actually people who care in our school. i went there, and they actually found the phone and returned it to me. i called my dad to ask him not to cancel the line but it was too late. but still can reactivate. then i asked the security guards where they found it, and they were like saying "A few boys founf it. they were actually trying to contact you..." and i was like "please. i know they tried to steal it. else why would they turn off my handphone. who are they?" and the security guard said "You don't need to know who they are. just know that disciplinary action would be taken." oh well, if they told me i would have snapped their heads off anyway, and i dont want to get into trouble.

The thing is, if you want to steal someone's handphone, at least make the effort to get out of the crime scene. why stay around the area? the security guard saw the video, then when looking for the boys, and apparently they weren't far off. Well, at least we know why they need to steal. cos they certainly can't depend on their brains for a livelihood.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i cut my hair just now, my head feels damn light.
skipped half of python today, it was boring. i seriously need some weapons of mass destruction to entertain myself.

out of the 4 modules i'm taking this sem, i don't know, maybe ALL FOUR ARE RELATED TO PROGRAMMING. and I HATE PROGRAMMING

talked to satish just now. I MISS POLY FORUM ):

Monday, September 22, 2008

im in school now. damn sian

can't get back on track. i miss everything from poly forum.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alright, updates~

i didn't go home from monday all the way to friday last week. that's because i participated in this year's poly forum, and we were staying over at downtown east from tuesday til friday. i didn't go home on monday cos i thought that going NYP then go back to bt timah, next day go to RP in the morning, travelling here and there very gay. so i stayed over at shafiq's house on monday

tuesday was the first day of the polyforum. most of the RP students + some other poly students met at RP, then took bus down to downtown east. got down there, seperated into our different sub-themes. i was in sub-theme for, New Engines of Growth. then we had to come up with cheers. so i thought them a modified version of the cypher cheer. and lost my voice on the first day. after that we had bowling competition, tshirt drawing competition.

fast forward. we got our keys for the rooms, checked in. teached some people how to play "who-what-huh" and got shafiq to do the 69-er over shy. oh yar. my room was shared between me, marcus 'satan', kenneth 'boom-boom lucifer', ben 'beezlebub' and me 'asmodeus'. that's why our room was called hell.

that night we were drinking. i vasodilated, but didn't get drunk. Mr.kenneth from NYP appeared in front of our window with a trolley, so i sat in it. then i was pushed around. then mr. kennetch crashed me into a bush.
the next day, we went to the horticulture park, then to some community centre. i was asked to take photo with MP and stuff, but i don't have that photo. saw RP's principal. he was different from the other poly's principal, i wont say why. couldn't sleep that night, cos presentation day was the next day, and i didnt finish my sculpture yet.
took damn lot of photos. presentation day. i was bloody tired. havent finished the merlion but the bloody thing keeps falling apart. didn't participate in anything during the day cos was in room sculpturing. spend time in the room all the way until just before presentation time, but still wasnt done.
then zek bought some miracle clay and fixed it up. sub-theme 4's presentation totally rocked. didnt party after presentation with other people cos i was bloody tired and needed sleep.

last day. woke up with an aching body. didnt do much, or maybe we did but i cant remember. was sad when everyone parted ways. back to monotonous life of RP.

On saturday vinc, isk, shaf and i went to send eveleen off at the airport. i got lost in T3, didn't know how to get to budget terminal. have a great time there, eveleen, don't forget to buy the liquor~!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

okay, i'm here again

posting on my friend's com at 630 in the morning, because i promised steph i would blog, and just in case they don't have internet down at downtown east. the past few days i've been at the poly-forum doing rubbish (make that fun-rubbish, not rubbish-rubbish). my team was assigned to come up with the mascot and souveniers, i came up with this bloody cute merlion thingie and everyone else helped in a great way

i don't know if this is entertaining enough

oh, rukia (BFF), if you're reading this, it's okay to ignore me luh, i allow you. your 'A' levels more important, no need to send email saying that you're sorry and stuff. 2 more years and its gonna be my NS, that time i'll be too busy to entertain you also, lol.

alright, for the time being, ciao
if got internet then i post again.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

what the heck.

i was sleeping very soundly, very comfortably this morning. suddenly i got woken up by shouting. so i got up, duh, in case it was some emergency.

what happened?

my mom needed someone to massage her legs and back.

bloody hell, i feel like a multi-purpose machine all over again. and i thought i could sleep longer this sundy cos my sister was at home.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

im sick. with dunno what sickness.
but i know my brother gave it to me, he was sick first.
i feel terrible.

and nothing's helping.
please let me get better by monday.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


i noticed something quite interesting today.

it seems like people with the letters "ph" in their names, cannot finish their food most of the times. and get their boyfriends to clear the food. And the boyfriends just so happen to like eating very much, so it's okay. and also, those that names have the letters "ph", will not really know how to do activities like playing pool or rollerblading, because maybe they are reluctant to learn, or maybe because they have no time. or maybe because of both.

i shall observe for a longer period of time.

sebasKHEH, tabble tennis cannot luh, too easy. want to win gold medal then win the marathon one luh, marathon is closing ceremony present medal leh. every year also like that.

Monday, August 25, 2008


3 days since my last blog post, tons of stuff happened.

  1. no more irritating flamers on my blog,
  2. i accidentally bought the most expensive pair of shoes ever,
  3. olympics are over, and
  4. the singapore table-tennis team manager got fired.

well, just gonna elaborate on points 2 and 4. yea, so on saturday i was at centrepoint cos my dad wanted buy a new wallet, so i was browsing the shoes there, and i saw the most amazing pair of loafers. its from this brand called Jshoes or sth like that, they're breaking into the singapore market, so their display was actually just a saw corner of the male section in robinsons. there was supposed to be storewide discount or something, so i just tried it out, and basically almost fell in love with it. then when i went to pay, it was S$179. i just stood there at the cashier, either from shock or from asphyxiation cos maybe i wasn't breathing. luckily for me, my dad said it was my BIRTHDAY PRESENT. i tell you, i'm so bloody happy, cos firstly, i can't afford the shoes, and second, it's been ages since i got a birthday present from my parents

on the matter of the manager being fired, i don't really have much to say. seems like singapore got the goods, and is trying to get rid of the people who earned it. okay, so you might argue that the medal is earned by the players. but who trains the players? the coach. who coordinates everything else? the manager. without the manager the coaches can be as great as heaven, but still the team would be useless, cos the manager MANAGES the team, thus the title. and especially after getting the first medal in 43 40 years. it adds on the whole how-ironic-this-is situation. plus that person that fired the manager, has barely warmed her seat as [whatever position she's at] for a year. it's totally like, what the hell.

nice impression on our future athletes.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2 more days..

found some interesting morsels here, some which i'm gonna post up.

The law
Teo Wee Meng, a trainer in cyber Crimes in the Criminal Investigation Department,said if there's "malicious intent", miscreants will be "charged in court, and will either be jailed or fined". However, experts believe that having laws are just one side of the coin. Said Esther: "To eliminate cyber-bullying, it will help if students know that the law in Singapore does not tolerate cyber-bullying. Knowing that cyber bullies can be prosecuted may deter people from doing so."

Singapore has the second highest number of cyber-bullying cases after the US, says new survey. Esther Ng, founder of the Coalition Against Bullying for Children & Youth, an agency that provides resources for people to seek help on bullying issues, agreed. She cited a 2006 survey of 3,488 Singaporean students in which 25 per cent - or 872 students - admitted to having been victimised online. Another 31 per cent said that the online victimisation was in addition to physical bullying they also faced.
Citing studies published by, Poh Yeang Cherng, manager of Touch Cyber Wellness & Sports, said: "There are far more reports of cyber- bullying from Singapore on a per capita basis compared to all other countries except for the United States."

Wed, Mar 12, 2008
The Straits Times

and right at the bottom of the post,

Parry Aftab said... on June 27, 2008 8:10 PM, provided the information about the nunber of cases of cyberbullying in Singapore vs the US many years ago. It was never a study, but an observation based on our received reports.A study should be completed to see how this impression from years ago plays out today.As always, we welcome any collaborations in Singapore. It's one of my favorite places on earth...and there is always Chili Crab!

Dr. Parry Aftab
Executive Director

Well, i'm sure that, if it was studied properly, it'll be obvious that the numbers between cases of cyberbullying in singapore vs the US will be much closer, maybe even overtaking the US in position. citing from what the CID officer said, i'm sure everything on my tagboard is considered malicious, not to mention what i've been seeing on the tagboards of other blogs. definition of malicious:

  1. deliberately harmful: motivated by or resulting from a desire to cause harm or pain to others

i'm sure, based on the tagboard comments alone, i've already got some ground against whoever wants to take me on.

thanks to weijie, for linking the site.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

3 days to go..

SMS exchange that happened this afternoon between me and him.

3:33 p.m, from +65****0345(him)
Hello s'bas-chen. This is 'Mr Daniel'. You must have a lot of time, spending the whole day at bishan. So tell me, what are you going to tell my school?

3:34 p.m, from me
I dunno. I'm showing them my posts, your posts, and everything on my tagboard

3:35 p.m, from him
I see. And what do you hope to achieve from that? My blog to be shut down? People to stop spamming you?

3:36 p.m, from me
i don't know either. maybe the latter. And of course i've got free time, it's my hols now

3:38 p.m, from him
ok. you plan to get people to stop spamming ur tagboard. and how do you think they'll(the school) help you do that?

3:40 p.m, from me
Lol, stop asking questions that i don't have answers to. Maybe the whole lot of you should get disciplined or something, idk

3:45 p.m, from him
If you don't have a plan for what you're gonna do, won't it be hard to do? And i don't think my sch has the time to punish all your taggers. It's the test period now you know. Everyone is busy marking stuff. And what can they do anyway? Take away our internet access? Here's a suggestion: lock ur blog.

3:51 p.m, from me
Why would i need to lock my blog? it's open for a reason, but it's bot for flooding of insults on my tagboard. i posted my comment, you posted yours, but i didn't shoot personal insults at you people. You/your friends started everything. Now when something happens, you start to question my actions.

3:56 p.m, from him
Hmm. you speak some truth. True, the topic isn't connect sg anymore (which, i assume was what we both wanted it to be). Now my so called "frens" (believe it or not, i didn't ask them to tag at all) tag for the sake of spamming. How do you think this can be stopped?

4:01 p.m, from me
I don't know. Tell you what. I stall for three days. you try your best to stop them. if i get a new tag on friday itself, i'm going down to your school for real.

4:07 p.m, from him
So what you mean is if you get any flaming tag on friday you'll tell my school? Sounds
like a good suggestion(it can answer the qns i asked earlier)

i was planning to go down to the school to settle the problem once and for all, but i gave him a chance to stop me. i was down at bishan all afternoon, and was planning to meet up with someone from the school at 7. I told him on his tagboard that he could stop me if he wanted to.

this is the exchange of sms between us this afternoon; i left my hp number on his blog's tag, but he removed it, probably cos he was afraid someone would prank msg/call me. I told him if i received any stupid prank calls or sms, i'm going straight to the school, no chance for him. Well, he thinks that he can solve the problem. I didn't answer his question; he's going to solve the problem himself.

Last note, to all you flamers. i didn't insult him in the first place. Definition of insult:
  1. be offensive: to say or do something rude or insensitive that offends somebody else
  2. show contempt: to say or do something suggesting a low opinion of somebody or something

an example of an insult would be e.g all the things you dickheads put on my tagboard. and if you're that stupid, dickhead is a form of insult. Important point being: i did not start the insulting. you people did. all i did was retaliate.

Monday, August 18, 2008

suprise, suprise.

apparently my previous post was all for nothing. another ball-less dude's comment. there is no 1T in RI. whoever posted that is all he said i was, plus more, i guess. mark lee from RI 1T. thanks for proving my point even further.

well then, another letter for me, found here

dear mr. goh yon-lu

well, i called him "high-and-mighty" based on the tone of his blogpost, and not because he's from RI. plus, i'm getting flamed because i commented that he was wrong to say that it was entirely the organiser's fault, but i have no idea why everyone else thinks i'm insulting him. and i don't take credit. whether i deserve it or not.

and anyways, it's defamatory enough to get the blog shut down. the thing is, you can criticise, but only if it's not obvious to the person you're criticising, only if you've made an attempt to hide their identity. since the tags were made directly towards me, and i'm not hiding behind any names. even if it's based on what you said, there were false claims. one point: i'm not gay, so there we have it, false claim. and i'm not preventing you from criticising. just do it smart so i have no reason to shoot you.

and i insist that you all didnt follow instructions, because i swear to god, i yelled at you all to hold hand for over 20 minutes, but still, all i see was clusters. one arm's length, hold hands, yes, it isn't alot to do, but you all still didn't do it.

last point: that blogpost didn't say anything about connect sg. stop using it to shoot my post.

thank you. for entertaining me.


right after i posted the last post, mark lee from Raffles Institue Class 1T decided to grace my blog with his presence. well, i thank you, for at least you have the balls to leave your name, unless it's not really who you say you are, then fuck off get lost.

some notes to point out:

  • first, i did not insult your friend on his blog. i just showed my unhappiness. there was nothing insulting pointed directly at him in my first comment. it wasn't even insulting in the first place.
  • second, you're disgracing yourself and your peers by calling me "neighbourhood people". this is the exact behaviour i pointed out in one of my previous posts.
  • third, i don't own an ebay account. so i can't sell or buy stuff online. and my balls are right here between my legs, you can't buy them even if you traded yours in along with your friend's
  • fourth, i am not a person that one would consider hairy. i've been trying to grow a goatee for 1 and a half years now, and nothing's sprouting from my chin.
  • lastly, when i saw that you've made a blog for me, i was, let's say, maybe even a little bit ecstatic. but when i found out it was a false URL, i was really disappointed. if you say you've done something, make sure you've really done it. that's having real balls, not plastic ones which go click-clack when you walk around.
thank you, and next time, if you have long comments, just post them under the comments section of the blogpost, i hate it when people flood my tagboard. i look forward to seeing your comments.


today i'm gonna post something interesting. around noon i got new comments on my tagboard that was degrading to RI, under the names loser RI and sbas chen, the latter trying to imitate what i normally use on blogs, only i don't put a spacing in between. There was an imposter using my name to insult others. naturally i replied on my own tagboard that it wasn't me, i didn't find a need to have a new blog post just to explain what happened.

soon after i got another comment on the tagboard by a guy calling himself some @sshole. good that he knows. and this time the comment was towards me, telling me how much i suck.

Well, the funny thing is, all three comments came from the same person, as i found out through checking the IP addresses. that's why i use cbox, they let you check the user's IP easily. All three comments came from the same IP address, just under different names.

I figured that you're also one of those from RI, trying to frame me on my own tagboard and all. the carelessness and the immaturity shows though; the internet can't hide everything. i'm just wondering why you'd scold your own people.

this picture above is a screenshot taken from the cbox website, when i was checking the IP addresses. with these IP addresses, one can easily find out where a person is accessing the internet from, with the necessary skills. the user can change the IP address all he wants, but the signature left behind would still be the same. I've included a few other tags to show what happens when the tag is left by different people, and as you people can see very clearly for yourselves, the IPs from the above stated comments are all the same. comments made by me will have the same IPs as each other too, obviously.

to whoever you are: you're just one move away from revealing who you are. if i see your browsing signature again, i'll track you down, and because i'd be rather pissed off, i'm letting my dad handle the rest. and i assure you, you wouldn't want him to know.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

To Demojake.

demojake said...
hey sebastain;

as a former councillor, i have seen my share of fails and successes of various organised events, and here's my opinions.

i was rather surprised when you came across to me as a really patriotic teen, a stark contrast to many of us that are sort of disillusioned, so to speak.

however, you should understand that sec1s don't have the maturity of 18 year olds. fresh out of primary school, obviously their minds are still entwined with fun, games, and other paraphernalia. to get them to stand the sweltering heat to them is absolute torture given that they don't really understand the event, much less appreciate its significance.

i hate to do it, but i am afraid the accusing finger has to be directed at you people. it is your responsibility not just to execute the event for the sake of getting it over and done with, but the welfare of all the participants must also be considered. food, drinks, ample shelter, good coordination and proper instructions are keys to letting them be more focused on the event. however, from some blogs i have read, i didnt notice (correct me if i erred). even i myself would not be pleased with the execution if such crucial steps were missed.

sure, these steps seem hard, but it is the cost of doing events on such a large scale. if you cannot do it, then don't do it, unless it was purely for the portfolio mark.

hope to hear from you soon.

August 16, 2008 12:44 PM

hey demojake.

i really appreciate your understanding that this was not purely my fault, and for that, i thank you.

to clear up on some points; i didn't do it for so-called portfolio marks. i did it out of pure sense of volunteerism. i like to volunteer, that's who i am. and why did i choose to be a motivator in connect singapore? because i was sure i could carry out my part successfuly.

You have to understand, as being chief motivator of a school, i'm sort-of near the bottom of the command chain. Everything was planned by the exco, we were told to listen carefully. it's not that i'm pushing the blame or anything, but the teachers and schools were also part of the event, and not just the students.

I feel that our part were more of a coordinate-between-areas than that of a welfare one, but still, we did take the student's welfare into consideration. we asked them to bring bottled water, and for my case, when the sun got too hot we allowed the students into the shade. Welfare of student should be covered by the schools; remember, it's for the president's challenge, i'm sure the organisers aren't getting a single cent out of doing this.

from what i know, the mess that caused our parts to go haywire was when we were supposed to move out to the sectors we were supposed to stand at. we actually had everything planned out down to the minute, but because some schools have students who didn't really cooperate, other sectors, including my own, had to stall for time. that was when the RI boys started getting rowdy. and when finally it was time for us to move out, sector 12 moved out immediately, but we had to organise the RI boys and get them to gather first.

because of the extra time that the stalling took up, and the time we used to get the RI boys gathered, we had to walk really fast towards our area. when i reached the point where the RI boys were supposed to start lining up, i waited almost 20 minutes for the rest to reach, and even then, i had alot of trouble getting them to stand in a straight line. The instructions i gave at first was, one arm's length from each other, side by side. i'm sure it wasn't hard to understand. but still they couldn't cooperate, even a few of the interact club members looked at me out of desperation when the boys they were in-charge of were clustered together and not following instructions. We were supposed to be ready then, but when the jeep passed us, i was still getting them to spread out properly.

let's skip to the execution of the pledge taking. What happened there was, i'm sure, not the students fault, not our fault as motivators, not even the organiser's fault. the radio station screwed up that last part. All of us were told that the DJ would initiate the countdown to the pledge taking after the 12 o'clock news at noon, but the station was playing songs all the way until around 1240 hrs, where out of nowhere the DJ started counting down. all the students were listening to the radio, and were getting ready for the pledge. but when the countdown ended, the DJ continued talking, and apparently that was the signal. From what i know, the station was suppose to air the national pledge, but they didn't. all of us were confused, really, really not our fault then.

There. you should be able to see clearly, at my point of view, it wasn't mostly our fault. yes, i agree that some things were overlooked, but when the schools agree to participate, they should have understood that it was their students there, and maybe could have provided more for their students. we had to endure what everyone had to, and more, and just a reminder, planning something at such a large scale wasn't easy to begin with, just cut us some slack, a little bit of understanding on your part will suffice.


Saturday, August 16, 2008


no mood to blog, after what happened yesterday with the nooblets on my blog. one more bloody comment and i'm bringing it up to the school. let's see what they'll do when it gets big.

Friday, August 15, 2008

what happened.

Back to this topic of flamers. How did people find my blog to flame on? because i have the decency to leave my name, so that comments could be directed to me. Flamers, on the other hand, use the anonymity of the internet to hide their acts of cowardice. Well, since we're on the topic of flamers, and the couple of flamers on my tagboard are from RI, i shall bring this topic more in-depth.

students from higher-end schools, not just RI, think they're so high and mighty, think they're better than those people from neighbourhood schools. well, i'm not sure whether i'm from a neighbourhood school, i have no idea where newtown comes under, but there's one thing i can confirm: neighbourhood schools have balls.

flashback to the connect sg incident at RI. RI were doing their raffles cheer. someone from ngee ann sec heard waffles and went "Huh? Waffles?!", RI SECONDARY ONE BOYS called them childish, and one even went on to reply, "see, neighbourhood school". WHAT IS THAT. and just the other day i saw this RI kid at bishan, holding what appears to be a bloody heavy lollipop, prancing around, while his maid/mom (i couldn't tell) followed closely behind with a bloody huge bag and a file. when i saw that my shoulders ached for the maid/mom.

nevermind other schools. RI. Raffles. The school named after that guy with the black and white statue. are we going to lay our fate in the hands of these so-called future leaders from the higher-end schools like hwachong and RI, if they have an attitude that's like that? I don't know. If any of you people reading this are teachers from such schools, please answer my query: How can you be leaders of a nation that's built up from scratch, when you yourself take everything for granted? How can one lead a nation, when all negative comments are made anonymously? How can a country grow with leaders that do not have enough guts to put down their names and be responsible for their actions?

i don't know. i really don't.


okay, here's the thing. i've forgotten totally about the connect singapore thing, but since now you people want to bring back the topic, i shall fucking comply.

for those who don't know what's happening, it started when i replied to this RI student's blogpost on his blog here. He blamed the whole world but himself on the failure of connect sg, so i replied, pointing out to him roughly why certain points went wrong. The tone of my reply wasn't good, cos i'm bloody unhappy that although the failure is due to multiple faults, he keeps pushing it to us organisers. i didn't hide my identity, there's no point hiding my identity when what i said is true.

i've seriously forgotten about it. until stupid shit appeared on my tagboard. i'm gonna list out the comments:

  • Connect Singapore sucks: i hate connect singapore
  • Connect Singapore sucks: sebastian ure horny
  • Connect Singapore sucks: s'bastard-chen u r so damn gay u destroyed Singapores hopes and dreams..its all your fault
  • Connect Singapore sucks: the connect singapore wasnt shown on the news because of ure fugly face, the connect Sinagpore will be known as the worst national day celebration for sec1s in history
  • Connect Singapore sucks: u think i stupcant see ure connect singaore post..the event was a flop coz u didnt listen in ure meetings

  • pissedoff: you claimed to have done a lot for connectsg didn't pay attention during the connectsg trainings? hypocrite. and by the way, about 400 of us waited IN THE SUN too for more than an hour, while none of us were told to do anything. and therefore we're uncooperative?

Connect Singapore sucks is definitely not the owner of the blog i commented on, maybe his classmate or friend. Eh, secondary one, can tell. bloody childish, looking at the first few comments. If i'm so "fugly" and gay, at least i have balls. If i destroyed singapore's hope and dreams, well, it sure ain't up to you to save them.

pissedoff , i bet my "numbnuts" that it's your blog i commented on, compared the everything down to the last detail on the post here. i'm sure you're more mentally inclined then your friend there, but i'm also sure you've got the brains to tell that my comment that i didn't listen during the meetings is just a figure of speech? FYI, they do test us on what we know, and if i really didn't know a single shit, you people wouldn't even had made it to the gathering point, i would've marched the whole bunch of you onto the highway. and i still have the right mind to do it. And, you said the 400 of you all also stood in the sun for hours, but did all 400 of you run up and down the whole route like your leaders and I did? it sure didn't help that you all refused to listen to instructions. and you all were not told to do anything? ONE ARMS LENGTH, ONE ARMS LENGTH, i shouted all the way, and you people still clustered together like penguins afraid of the cold. ironic that the day itself was blistering hot.

If you'll like to insult people and you're afraid of the drawbacks, please do not leave personal information on your blog. Based on what you posted, it is considered defamatory to a single individual by the law, and i can easily appeal to take down your whole blog. If you don't understand, compare your post and mine, then go read up on international laws.

Commenting on your posts, the meeting time wasn't chosen by us, it was chosen by your teachers. and being in the shade for 5 mins is still better than being in none. I hide portions of my blog because most of my friends know that if its hidden, it's a bad-mood post, so they can skip it without me spoiling their mood. you didn't think your seniors had problems leading with the cheer. because you weren't the one holding up your handsigns for ten minutes. and the clusters of people i saw were literally clusters, like how hairballs come about, even though cat hairs are so fine. and to rebut your sumarised statement, if i'm a lying hypocrite, you're no better.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


It's singapore's 43rd birthday, and i'm glad i'm not at the national day parade.

i attended the preview parade last saturday, there were blue skies as far as the eyes could see, and a blazing hot evening sun. today was different, people there had to bear with the wind and the rain. plus, with all the clouds up in the sky, they aren't gonna enjoy the performance by the Black Knights as much as i did.

Yesterday morning was the connect singapore event, and the whole thing was a total flop. My sector didn't listen to my instructions, and by the time we got ready, other blocks and sectors weren't. The 91.3 DJ was supposed to count down after the 12 o'clock news, but it was 1230 when she started, and she didn't play the national pledge. less than half the students actually took the pledge, and less than 1/4 of them actually said the full pledge immediatly after the countdown.

we didn't even know whether it was over.

The event did not appear on the news, for obvious reasons. if you go google the event name, you can read from the blogs of participants on how they feel. I, for one, think it wasted a whole lot of my bloody time, time which could have been spent more constructively. i'm not just talking about the event failing itself, i'm also talking about the countless pointless meetings i attended. Luckily i didn't pay attention to anything during the trainings; the only time i actually clarified my doubts was the morning itself, and even then, nothing was according to schedule, everything was impromptu.

after that, i went over to pasir ris to meet with chance and ziqi, and we went over to boris's house to celebrate his birthday. i got chance a pet brick as a present. i don't think he liked it alot. well, luckily for me, i think he liked his other present, which was a psp. who wouldn't.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Thursday, August 7, 2008

oh gawd.

connect sg's tomorrow.

i'm damn fucking nervous.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

feel it.

the theme's changed to fit the mood. there's only two days between now and national day. the image is my own. OWNED. the song's this year's main song, english version sung by hady mirza. Personally i think the lyrics are weird.

went to boonlay shopping centre today to get a psp for chance birthday (which is on friday). ridhuan's shop is supposed to be there, but its not. its not there cos i can't find it. and i couldn't get through to him via phone since last night. and he said he was gonna email me the price list. i think he lied, or he's that busy eh.

i'm in the poetic mood again. maybe the hand twitching thing i did on saturday wasn't for drawing, it was for writing.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Black. by s'bas-chen

midnight darkness.
dusky. gloomy. murky.
shadows of the night.
crows. ravens.
charcoal. sable. ebony.

bleak. sad. cheerless.
unhappy. joyless. dreary.
somber. depressing.
sinister. nefarious. evil.
threatening wickedness.

dusk. obscurity. dim.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

watch this

LOL. this video is funny. reallyreally.

this one appeared in the newspaper.

i wish my parents would give me some space.
i wish i could stop time.
I wish i had a pet triceratops.

but we all know they won't ever happen

Monday, July 21, 2008

today sucked.

asked whether anyone wanted to watch the new batman movie with me, even called up people in the class to ask. instead of getting replied, i got bloody scolded for not returning TWO BUCKS, which I SWEAR I RETURNED OVER TWO WEEKS AGO. and they had the balls to shout at my through the phone. when i went to class, quiet. YOU WANT THE TWO BUCKS? TAKE IT AND FUCK OFF. if you've got no money, it doesn't hurt to ask, i'll lend. BUT I NEVER FORGET DEBTS. AND I RETURNED YOUR MEASELY TWO BUCKS.

my com hanged just now. when i came back online, i sorta expected her to be online. but she wasn't.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

wants and needs.

some say that you'll spoil your children by always getting them what they want, and what one should do is only get what they need, not want. well, i want a new laptop. and i doubt anyone would argue when i say i need a new laptop. but that's not gonna happen. not soon anyway.

zaki had an interesting personal message today. the chinese has this term that's supposed to mean you're confused/you're at paradox called "矛盾", translated into engish it literally means "spear and shield". so zaki's pm was: "what happens when a sword that cuts anything should strike a shield that blocks anything?", which basically means the same thing as the chinese term, so basically, i answered him like this:

"when a sword or blade that could slice anything strikes a shield that could block or deflect almost any attack, the very fabric of reality tears at that moment,and the balance of space/time would be disturbed. probability and singularity gets mixed up and the two items would cease to exist, therefore removing the paradox from this dimension and thus restoring balance. "

okay, so i didn't really answer him with so many lines, but what i said to him was around there, and all he said was "OMG. GOOD HYPOTHESIS". damn. i think i deserve a little more credit for that amount of imagination.

Friday, July 18, 2008


okay, i know i haven't been a good boy lately, last post being on the 30th of august and all... been busy lately, plus my laptop was having mood swings all the time until last sunday, when suddenly there was this loud *POP* and i couldn't use it anymore. Finally had some peace and quiet AND PRIVACY to blog at the desktop at home.

i swear i can never use the desktop's keyboard again. it's so bloody small compared to my laptop's.

soooo, updates.

much meetings for connect s'pore. meetings and trainings. i'm "in-charge" of a whole chockful of students with steph. i think its like 400. maybe more. block 13, i'm sector 13A, steph's sector 13B.

i'm still monkeying around in class. no change to that, so no updates.

i'm gonna get an ad on my blog again, samsung's ad.

tomorrow i'll post something funny, got an interesting email from sebaskheh, the other extremely good looking dude in my class. that is not me.

and people, PLEASE don't be emo. you know how easily i get affected by other's moods. freaking hell, i just need to watch 15 minutes of "I am Sam" to get my tears flowing (for those who don't know that movie, go google it.)


Monday, June 30, 2008

Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts.

1. I'm rather tall. 1.83m last time i measured.
2. My full name's Koh Yue, Sebastian, with the Koh Yue in front.
3. I've got messy hair.
4. I'm Kohconut. Go Google it.
5. I never use more than 15 minutes for my UTs
6. My BFF is Rukia
7. My girlfriend is stephanie
8. I'm going for connecting sg on 08/08/08
9. I'm also going for the upcoming poly forum
10. I think this is too easy.
11. I'm hungry when i'm not eating. so stop asking whether i'm hungry or not.
12. I've got an appetite to match my brains
13. It means i'm also rather smart.
14. People have sweet tooths. I have sweet teeth.
15. I also don't mind savoury stuff
16. My favourite kind of bread is pita bread, the kind used for wraps and kebabs.
17. I use some perfume my dad got me to test out when i go out, and when i'm out, i use adidas deodourant.
18. My Laptop screen is in a terrible state.
19. Actually almost every single electronic thing i own is in a terrible state
20. The first thing i did when i came home today was fix the fridge, else food will spoil.

The 5 people i'm gonna tag issss....

ziqi, rukia, abu, sebaskheh and ayie

Monday, June 23, 2008


really appreciated.


I feel lucky to have friends like them :3

Sunday, June 22, 2008

this sucks.

no one deserves to feel like this on their 18th birthday

edit/: today had a happy ending :3
ate middle eastern food for dinner and bill came up as $222.20
coincidentally all the money in my wallet was also in $2 notes, as i found out after dinner

got durian puffs and a durian cake too X3

Saturday, June 21, 2008

i'm 6571 days old today, with days from leap years included
that makes me 6572 days old tomorrow, bringing me to a grand 18.

but i'm not booked tomorrow.

when you're 18 you're supposed to be more grown up.
must i start acting my age already?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Two more days.

two days to my birthday. and i'm as free as every other sunday. as free as i'll ever be. nothing scheduled at all. zip. zero.

what a way for my grand 18th.

well, they always say that one happens during one year of your birthday gets carried to the next. and i don't ever celebrate mine. so i guess this year will be no different.

i think i'm starting to envy all you other people.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


if you visited my blog today, there's a chance you might saw my blog different. i was testing out color schemes, but in the end switched back to this. i'll change the layout once my own blogskin is done, and then it'll be good riddance to this useless template with limited colors.

Went to fix my bicycle wheel today. The bike was bought when i was secondary 4, today's the first time i rode it. steph says its dangerous to sms while cycling.
got three cuts today, all three i didn't notice until i spotted the bright red that tells you OMGWTFBBQ YOU'RE BLEEDING.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Above are a couple or two of my favourite photos taken during the DIDM camp. Only the last one was photoshopped.
This is roughly all those who went for the DIDM camp. I'd guess this is around a quarter of the whole DIDM year one and year two cohort (no year threes, we're a new diploma). Look at the above photo. try and spot me, then look at the below photo, and try to spot the rest of the people above. They're not there. Why? cos they all went off. without telling me in advance.Keith looks really happy with his happy soda. that's the real deal, S$2.50 a cup, at far east, one of the indonesian eateries. compare keith's cup's shade of pink with the one i made ytd. the cup in the forground hasn't been stirred yet.
The happy soda was so damn nice, we decided to make some ourselves back at school. snuck out in the middle of the night to go over to shop n save, got cherryade and condensed milk, then went over to 7-11 to get cups and ice. the condensed milk cans were opened using my house keys.
Okay, back to today. went to school, then met with steph at JE library. she had packed lunch, ham sandwich (black pepper ham, her brother's favourite). In order to not have her eat alone, i went over to the pasarmalam side and got a ramly burger, so i could eat with her. after that, went to library to sleep abit while she did her schoolwork.
after she was done we went to the interchange to take bus to boonlay. allofasudden she had craving for liangteh, and she didn't even know the exact kind she wanted. so she suggested going over to IMM to get some, and i was like "NOOoooo....." then luckily the snackstand at the interchange had bottled ones. she got some peppermint thing and while she was paying for it, i found these:

OMG so nostalgic righttt... It's been ages since i saw them, and even longer since i had any. so i bought two, they were going at 50cents a 'tray'. seriously brings back memories. i had loads back in malaysia.
anyways, came home after sending her back, then went to make myself some happy soda using my lord-emporor-thoushaltnotsayhisname-almighty-omnipotent mug that i only use on special occasions. today's occasion: i needed lots of happy. Look at the size of that thing, next to it is my normal cancer horoscope mug:

It's humongous, and it can hold up to 2 and a half can's of coke, inclusive of a moderate amount of ice. it's what my mom got me after she broke my winnie the pooh cup, which was supposed to be the biggest. and it has the merlion at the front.

oh, and i saw the craziest piece of news today.

your ham-sandwich, my ramly <3