Monday, December 1, 2008

Day Eleven~

Remember my last blogpost being something about what happened was bloody funny and all, here it is...
Presenting.... Ryan, a.k.a STRIKER X

what happened in the video wasn't what happened that day. but the video for that day is coming up, plus more retarded stuff done by this guy, lol.

His name is ryan, or kumaran (i don't know how to spell) by his secondary school classmates, and apparently he is VERYVERYVERY dillusioned. He thinks he had sex with paris hilton before. he thinks he's cool if he smokes. he thinks wearing a hat will make him look like ryan seacrest or justin timberlake.

take today for example. kenneth, bob, margaret and i were walking towards the mrt after school, when we saw ryan. kenny had this bright idea of going up to ryan and telling him that margaret is interested in her, and he did. margaret was so paiseh, she begged me to slow down the pace, so we did, while kenny, bob and ryan went up ahead. apparently that was when kenny told ryan, cos he suddenly turned around to look at margaret, before crossing the road.

after crossing the road, instead of continuing his walk towards the mrt station, he actually waited for margaret to cross! so margaret crossed the road, and dragged me along, whispering "sebas, if you walk away from me now, i'm never gonna talk to you again in class". when we walked passed kenny, bob, and ryan-with-the-smitten-look-on-his-face, margaret kept a straight face, and kenny told ryan "look, she's ignoring you." what i heard next from him was "it's okay to ignore me. maybe she's just shy". LOL. suddenly margaret started brisk walking, so i had to keep up with her, then when we were at the mrt station, we waited for kenny and bob. after that, margaret and kenny went to the bus interchange, while me and bob boarded the mrt.

and the mrt, bob told me that ryan actually said "she's totally my category", referring to margaret. WHAT IS THAT MAN? TOTALLY HIS CATEGORY?? come on, she's way out of his league, if he ever had one. then, margaret smsed me "WTFWTFWTFWTF, HE CAME UP TO TALK TO ME!! WTFWTFWTFWTF" and my sms reply was all "HAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA". LOL

okay, back to normal blogging. i've started to play the 'pet society' application on facebok, started on friday. it's damn addictive i tell you. but, for some reason, everytime i get onto facebook, i start missing steph terribly. and she knows i'm terribly lovesick. i don't know, i think they should started inventing medicine for this. cos technically it's a sickness if it has the word 'sick' in it, right?

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