Wednesday, April 2, 2008

midnight posting

i just realised.
i've done nothing big with my life.

i want to help all the people i can, one step at a time.
but the steps i've taken are useless.

i've changed the lives of nobody.

all the talk about doing it for the better good. i'm not seeing results
and what am i doing? sulking.

it's because i'm useless, i can't do anything right. i can't even sulk properly.

other useless people only eat and sleep. i can't even sleep properly, how useless is that.
and because of the fact i sleep much less than other's i've wasted even more time.

i'm useless, and i suck. thanks for being you, sebastian.

it really helps.

dear lord,
i know i'm not christian and all, i don't even have roots in christianity
but i really need guidance now
if not from you, at least from your other "higher entity" friends
i need some reassurance
and i'm looking towards you for faith. for i have none.


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